About the book....

A must have book in the library of every ERP practitioner, this book looks at ERP from a practitioner's perspective. It takes the reader through a structured and intuitive flow through six sections: ERP Concepts, ERP Design, ERP Implementation, Data Migration, India Localization and General.

The focus of the book is in delighting the customer. Every word in this book is aimed at how to add value to the Customer and deliver an awesome ERP Implementation Project that will deliver the objective.

The target audience is the ERP Practitioner. It can be an ERP Consultant who wants to understand the nuances of ERP Implementation. It could be a project manager who wants to know how she can deliver an amazing ERP Implementation that leads to customer delight. It could be an existing ERP Customer who wants to understand how they can get quick return on their ERP Investments. Or a customer who wants to understand the mind of a consultant to know what to deliver, when and how. It could also be a potential customer who is interested in implementing ERP but feels handicapped by her lack of knowledge of ERP.

If you follow the principles enshrined in this book, you will deliver an awesome ERP implementation leading to customer delight. That is a promise I am willing to make.

An ERP Implementation is only as good as the Consultant implementing the project. The section 'General' is targeted to the ERP Implementation Consultant and details the soft-skills he / she will need to develop to become a sought after Consultant.

An ERP practitioner should read this book once to understand the overall processes in an ERP Implementation. She should keep this as a handbook and refer to different sections during different phases of the project.

The articles are product agnostic and I have used one ERP Application to illustrate some concepts.

For whom the book tolls....

This book is for you if you are:

  • C-Suite Executive who wants to gain a quick understanding of ERP Implementation process
  • ERP Consultant
  • ERP Solution Architect
  • ERP Implementation Project Manager
  • ERP User
  • Customer implementing ERP
  • Anyone wanting to transition to the exciting career of ERP Consulting .

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